
Disponibili i Catalyst 14.11.2 beta ottimizzati per Far Cry 4

AMD Catalyst

AMD rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento di driver Catalyst per schede grafiche della famiglia Radeon, compatibili dalla serie HD 5000 fino alle recenti R9 200. La release Catalyst 14.11.2 beta implementa diverse ottimizzazioni aumentando di fatto le prestazionali nei recenti titoli come Dragon Age: Inquisition e Far Cry 4.

Ecco le note di rilascio:

Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ 14.11.2 Windows® Beta Driver Performance Improvements

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition performance optimizations
    – Up to 5% performance increase over Catalyst™ 14.11.1 beta in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.
    – Optimized AMD CrossFire™ profile
  • Far Cry 4 performance optimizations
    – Up to 50% performance increase over Catalyst™ 14.11.1 beta in single GPU scenarios with Anti-Aliasing enabled.

Important Notes

  • The AMD CrossFire™ profile for Far Cry 4 is currently disabled in this driver while AMD works with Ubisoft to investigate an issue where AMD CrossFire™ configurations are not performing as intended. An update is expected on this issue in the near future through an updated game patch or an AMD driver posting.

Resolved Issues

  • [409235]: Small chance of intermittent screen tearing or corruption in Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare on high settings 4K resolution in AMD CrossFire™ mode.
  • [408892]: World of Warcraft can sometimes exhibit corruption when using CMAA in AMD CrossFire™ configurations.
  • [407431]: Minecraft sometimes produces corruption when changing video settings in windowed mode.
  • [407338]: XDMA Quad CrossFire™ configurations in portrait Eyefinity modes sometimes display tearing or stuttering.

Known Issues

  • [408723]: System can sometimes hang when upgrading to Catalyst™ 14.11.2 from Catalyst™14.7 in AMD CrossFire™ configurations. As a workaround please completely uninstall previous Catalyst™ software versions before installing Catalyst™14.11.2 beta.
  • [409518]: Slight performance drops in FIFA 2015 on AMD CrossFire™ configurations.
  • [409502]: Occasional flickering sometimes observed while playing FIFA 2015 in AMD Dual Graphics configurations.
  • [409638]: Slight Battlefield 4 performance drop on AMD Radeon™ R9 290X in AMD CrossFire™ configuration.
  • [409628]: AMD Radeon™ R9 285 intermittently hangs in Hitman Absolution on new game start.
  • [408484]: AMD Radeon™ R9 285 can sometimes exhibit flickering in Assassins Creed Unity.
  • [409613]: Assassins Creed Unity can sometimes experience frame stutter on some AMD CrossFire™ configurations.
  • [408706]: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare intermittent black screen when loading game in Quad AMD Crossfire™ configurations.
  • [409600]: Civilization: Beyond Earth mantle users in AMD CrossFire™ configurations may sometimes experience an issue where they cannot change their game resolution. As a work around please use “Enable MGPU=1” in the games configuration .ini file.

AMD is currently working with BioWare to resolve the following issues:

  • Flickering is sometimes observed in Dragon Age: Inquisition on a limited number of surfaces in AMD CrossFire™ configurations.

AMD is currently working with Ubisoft to resolve the following issues:

  • Uneven hair corruption sometimes observed in Assassins Creed Unity when applying “ultra” game settings.
  • Flickering occasionally observed between windows on walls in Assassins Creed Unity.
  • Windows/Doors intermittently flash with black textures in Assassins Creed Unity.
  • Assassins Creed Unity occasionally exits to desktop when “ultra” game settings are applied.

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Salvatore L.

Avvicinatosi al mondo videoludico grazie ad un Commodore64 alimentando in se la curiosità per il mondo Hi-Tech in particolar modo per tutto ciò che riguarda l' Hardware di un Computer. Dopo anni di collaborazioni con vari blog informatici Italiani nel 2012 apre il sito Hardware Mind.

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