Disponibili i Catalyst 14.3 V1.0 Beta

AMD rende disponibile al download un nuovo update per i driver Catalyst versione 14.3 Beta V1.0. La nuova release è stata pensata principalmente per ottimizzare il gameplay di Thieft, Mantle e True Audio HD, inoltre risolve alcuni bug minori in giochi come Call of Duty: Ghosts in configurazioni QUAD CrossFire.
L’aggiornamento è disponibile per tutte le AMD Radeon a partire dalla serie HD5000 comprese le nuove APU. Ecco il changelog:
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst™ 14.3 Beta V1.0 Driver for Windows®
- Thief:
- AMD Mantle and AMD True Audio support
- Improves stuttering observed in CrossFire mode
- Call of Duty: Ghosts: QUAD CrossFire profile update – improves level load times
- Audio issues observed when using CrossFire configurations (and V-sync enabled) have been resolved
- BattleField 4: V-sync issues observed on CrossFire configurations (with Mantle enabled) have been resolved
Known Issues
- Intermittent driver stability issues when installing/un-installing on Desktop Kaveri platforms that support AMD Enduro technology under Windows 8.1. Please disable Enduro support to resolve the issue
- Secondary GPUs do not enter low power state on CrossFire configurations; this issue will be addressed in the next AMD Catalyst beta release
- Thief (DirectX): Lighting flickers on CrossFire configurations only after CrossFire has been enabled then disabled; this issue will be addressed in the next AMD Catalyst beta release
- Battlefield 4 (DirectX): Quad CrossFire configurations with Eyefinity Display configurations suffer slowdowns and stability issues
- Titanfall: Flickering occurs under AMD CrossFire configurations