
Disponibili i driver Catalyst 13.8 beta 2

AMD Catalyst

AMD ha rilasciato una nuove release di driver Catalyst per schede video della famiglia HD Radeon, compatibili dalla serie HD 5000.

La release 13.8 beta è stata introdotta poco tempo fa per introdurre le tecniche di frame pacing che permette una migliore gestione delle configurazioni CrossFire e la conseguente riduzione del fastidioso microstuttering.

Di seguito le novità introdotte in questa nuova release di driver:

Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 Driver for Windows:

  • Saints Row 4: Performance improves up to 25% at 1920×1280 with Ultra settings enabled
  • Splinter Cell Blacklist: Performance improves up to 9% at 2560×1600 with Ultra settings enabled
  • Final Fantasy XIV:  Improves single GPU and CrossFire performance
  • Van Helsing:  Fixes  image quality issues when enabling Anti-Aliasing through the AMD Catalyst Control Center
  • Far Cry 3 / Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon:  Resolve corruption when enabling Anti-Aliasing through the Catalyst Control Center
  • RIPD:  Improves single GPU performance
  • Minimum:  Improves CrossFire performance
  • Castlevania Lords of Shadow:  Improves CrossFire performance
  • CrossFire:  Frame Pacing feature – includes improved performance in World of Warcraft, Sniper Elite, Watch Dogs, and Tomb Raider
  • Doom 3 BFG:  Corruption issues have been resolved

Known Issues of The AMD Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 Driver for Windows:

  • CrossFire configurations (when used in combination with Overdrive) can result in the secondary GPU usage running at 99%
  • Enabling CrossFire can result in the PCI-e bus speed for the secondary GPU being reported as x1
  • Bioshock Infinite: New DLC can cause system hangs with Frame Pacing enabled – disable frame pacing for this title to resolve

Link Download

Download Driver Catalyst 13.8 Beta 2 For Windows

AMD Mobility Catalyst 13.8 Beta2 for Windows

Salvatore L.

Avvicinatosi al mondo videoludico grazie ad un Commodore64 alimentando in se la curiosità per il mondo Hi-Tech in particolar modo per tutto ciò che riguarda l' Hardware di un Computer. Dopo anni di collaborazioni con vari blog informatici Italiani nel 2012 apre il sito Hardware Mind.

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