
Noctua Redux: Alte prestazioni a basse emissioni

[section_title title=Specifiche Tecniche]

Noctua Redux

Specifiche tecniche NF-R8 Redux 1800 PWM (80mm):

Size 80x80x25 mm
Connector 4-pin PWM
Bearing SSO
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1800 RPM
Min. Rotational Speed (PWM, +/-20%) 325 RPM
Airflow 53,3 m³/h
Acoustical Noise 17,1 dB(A)
Static Pressure 1,41 mm H2O
Max. Input Power 0,72 W
Max. Input Current 0,06 A
Voltage 12 V
MTBF > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery
4 Fan Screws
Warranty 6 years

Specifiche Tecniche NF-B9 redux 1600 PWM (92mm):

Size 92x92x25 mm
Connector 3-pin
Bearing SSO
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1600 RPM
Min. Rotational Speed (PWM, +/-20%) 350 RPM
Airflow 64,3 m³/h
Acoustical Noise 17,6 dB(A)
Static Pressure 1,61 mm H2O
Max. Input Power 1,32 W
Max. Input Current 0,11 A
Voltage 12 V
MTBF > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery
4 Fan Screws
Warranty 6 years

Specifiche Tecniche NF-S12B redux 1200 PWM (120mm):

Size 120x120x25 mm
Connector 4-pin PWM
Bearing SSO
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1200 RPM
Min. Rotational Speed (PWM, +/-20%) 400 RPM
Airflow 100,6 m³/h
Acoustical Noise 18,1 dB(A)
Static Pressure 1,31 mm H2O
Max. Input Power 0,9 W
Max. Input Current 0,075 A
Voltage 12 V
MTBF > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery
4 Fan Screws
Warranty 6 years

Specifiche Tecniche NF-P14r redux 1500 PWM (140mm):

Size 140x140x25 mm
Connector 4-pin PWM
Bearing SSO
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1500 RPM
Min. Rotational Speed (PWM, +/-20%) 450 RPM
Airflow 133,7 m³/h
Acoustical Noise 25,8 dB(A)
Static Pressure 1,91 mm H2O
Max. Input Power 2,4 W
Max. Input Current 0,2 A
Voltage 12 V
MTBF > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery
4 Fan Screws
Warranty 6 years

Specifiche Tecniche NF-P14s redux 1500 PWM (140mm):

Size 140x140x25 mm
Bearing SSO-Bearing
Blade Geometry NF-P14 Blade Design with VCN
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%) 1200 RPM
Rotational Speed with L.N.A. (+/- 10%) 900 RPM
Rotational Speed with U.L.N.A. (+/- 10%) 750 RPM
Airflow 110,3 m³/h
Airflow with L.N.A. 83,7 m³/h
Airflow with U.L.N.A. 71,2 m³/h
Acoustical Noise 19,6 dB(A)
Acoustical Noise with L.N.A. 13,2 dB(A)
Acoustical Noise with U.L.N.A. 10,1 dB(A)
Static Pressure 1,29 mm H2O
Static Pressure with L.N.A. 0,77 mm H2O
Static Pressure with U.L.N.A. 0,53 mm H2O
Input Power 1,2 W
Input Current 0,1 A
Voltage Range 12 V
MTBF > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery
Ultra-Low-Noise Adaptor (U.L.N.A.)
Low-Noise Adaptor (L.N.A.)
Adaptors for 140mm mounting
4 Vibration Compensators
3:4-Pin Adaptor
4 Fan Screws
Warranty 6 years

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Salvatore L.

Avvicinatosi al mondo videoludico grazie ad un Commodore64 alimentando in se la curiosità per il mondo Hi-Tech in particolar modo per tutto ciò che riguarda l' Hardware di un Computer. Dopo anni di collaborazioni con vari blog informatici Italiani nel 2012 apre il sito Hardware Mind.

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