
Radeon Software Adrenalin 19.11.1 disponibile al download

Sul sito ufficiale AMD sono stati rilasciati  i nuovi driver  Adrenalin 19.11.1, dove  è stato implementato il supporto al nuovo gioco Red Dead: Redempion II oltre a risolvere  parecchi bug minori.

Sono disponibili al download al seguente indirizzo:

Di seguito vi segnalo le note di rilascio segnalateci  dal sito AMD:

Support For

  • Red Dead: Redemption II

Added Vulkan Support

  • VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
    • This extension introduces a new semaphore type that uses an integer payload to identify a point in a timeline. The extension supports querying the semaphore, host wait/signal operations, and device wait/signal operations.
  • VK_KHR_shader_clock
    • This extension allows a shader to query a real-time or monotonically incrementing counter at the subgroup level or across the device level.
  • VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types
    • This extension enables the nonuniform group operations in SPIR-V to support 8-bit integer, 16-bit integer, 64-bit integer, 16-bit floating-point, and vectors of these types.
  • VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties
    • This extension allows debugging and performance tools and applications in general to query properties and statistics about the pipeline compilation process.
  • VK_KHR_spirv_1_4
    • This extension allows the use of SPIR-V 1.4 shader modules, which in turn allows easier translation from high level languages into spirv.
  • VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control
    • This extension enables an implementation to control the subgroup size by allowing a varying subgroup size and also specifying a required subgroup size. The optional feature to allow full compute subgroups is enabled.
  • Clustered Subgroup Operations
    • This feature bit allows invocations to perform cluster operations such as add, mul, min, max, and, or, xor among partitions of a subgroup. The operations are only performed within the subgroup invocations within a partition.

Fixed Issues

  • Some users may be unable to connect their Twitch account through the Connect page in Radeon Settings for live streaming.
  • The Outer Worlds may sometimes experience an application crash when opening the characters inventory screen.
  • The Outer Worlds may experience character models being rendered incorrectly on the inventory screen.
  • Frame Rate may cap or remain limited to 60 fps in some Vulkan API games.
  • OBS streaming may experience heavy frame drops when using AMF encoding..

Known Issues

  • Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products may experience stutter in some games at 1080p and low game settings.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay may cause stutter or screen flashing on some applications.
  • Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products may experience display loss when resuming from sleep or hibernate when multiple displays are connected.
  • Toggling HDR may cause system instability during gaming when Radeon ReLive is enabled.
  • Stutter may be experienced when Radeon FreeSync is enabled on 240hz refresh displays with Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • AMD Radeon VII may experience elevated memory clocks at idle or on desktop.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay may report incorrect VRAM utilization.
  • Invoking Radeon Overlay may cause games to lose focus or become minimized when HDR is enabled within Windows .

Salvatore L.

Avvicinatosi al mondo videoludico grazie ad un Commodore64 alimentando in se la curiosità per il mondo Hi-Tech in particolar modo per tutto ciò che riguarda l' Hardware di un Computer. Dopo anni di collaborazioni con vari blog informatici Italiani nel 2012 apre il sito Hardware Mind.

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