MSI Afterburner 2.2.5 disponibile

Il noto software di casa MSI in collaborazione con il Team di Riva Tuner, indispensabile per chi vuole overcloccare la propria scheda video migliorandone le prestazioni, o vuole semplicemente monitorare le temperature durante le sessioni di gioco e tener sott’occhio visualizzare il frame rate, è stato aggiornato alla versione 2.2.5
Di seguito le novità introdotte in questa release:
- Added NVIDIA Kepler graphics processors family support
- Added GPU power consumption monitoring for NVIDIA Kepler series graphics cards
- Added, core clock offset, memory clock offset and voltage offset support for dynamic overclocking on NVIDIA Kepler series graphic cards
- Fixed issue preventing applying new settings from control shared memory
- Fixed issue with video capture timer display, causing hours to be incremented erroneously after each 6 minutes of videorecording
- Skin format reference guide has been updated to v1.5 to document new indicator types support
- Added new “Force fan speed update on each period” option to the “Fan” tab. New option may improve compatibility of software automatic fan speed control mode with some bugged display drivers, overriding manually programmed fan speed under certain conditions
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