Driver AMD Catalyst 14.4 Release Candidate disponibili!

AMD ha reso disponibili i nuovi driver Catalyst 14.4 Release Candidate, versione compatibile a partire dalla famiglia Radeon HD 5000 sino all’ultima serie Radeon R9 200 oltre alle APU delle famiglie A e E.
Questo driver implementa il supporto ufficiale alla scheda R9 295X2, dual GPU che prende il posto della HD 7990. All’interno dei driver sono state apportate varie migliorie per le tecniche di frame pacing.
La compatibilità dei driver è assicurata per le versioni Windows 8.1, Windows 8 e Windows 7 tanto a 32bit come a 64bit.
Ecco le note di rilascio:
- Support for the AMD Radeon™ R9 295X
- CrossFire™ fixes enhancements:
- Crysis 3 – frame pacing improvements
- Far Cry 3 – 3 and 4 GPU performance improvements at high quality settings, high resolution settings
- Anno 2070 – Improved CrossFire scaling up to 34%
- Titanfall – Resolved in game flickering with CrossFire enabled
- Metro Last Light – Improved Crossfire scaling up to 10%
- Eyefinity 3×1 (with three 4K panels) no longer cuts off portions of the application
- Stuttering has been improved in certain applications when selecting mid-Eyefinity resolutions with V-sync Enabled
- Full support for OpenGL 4.4
- OpenGL 4.4 supports the following extensions:
- ARB_buffer_storage
- ARB_enhanced_layouts
- ARB_query_buffer_object
- ARB_clear_texture
- ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge
- ARB_texture_stencil8
- ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev
- ARB_multi_bind
- ARB_bindless_texture
- ARB_spare_texture
- ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
- ARB_indirect_parameters
- ARB_compute_variable_group_size
- ARB_shader_draw_parameters
- ARB_shader_group_vote
- Mantle beta driver improvements:
- BattleField 4: Performance slowdown is no longer seen when performing a task switch/Alt-tab
- BattleField 4: Fuzzy images when playing in rotated SLS resolution with an A10 Kaveri system
Known Issues
- System will TDR or BSOD when encoding with Power Director 11
- Driver installation might result in a black screen when installing on a Dual AMD Radeon R9 295X configuration under Windows 8.1 on specific platforms (see below). The issue can be overcome by rebooting the PC; upon reboot the display driver will be installed. The remaining Catalyst components can then be installed.
- ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z (990FX)
- ASUS Maximus VI Extreme (Z87
- ASUS Rampage IV Extreme (X79)